Listing Details
Why advertise with us you may ask? Because we are affordable for one, also, we are heavily marketed and so will you be if you are on our site, we are known and marketed well… How to Advertise? You must be at least 18 years of age. Name & Cellphone number. Your profile description must be accurate and complete. You must submit at least 6 genuine and recent photos of yourself, glamour and sexy if you wish, but not pornographic. Your photos must have as high a resolution (at least 400 x 600 and can be either horizontal or vertical) Contact us for more details via email or contact us at 27 727388287 . (email contacts please include your name & cell number). How much does it Cost? INDEPENDENT ESCORTS, STRIPERS MASSEUSES = R500 PER MONT FOR A FEATURED VIP PROFILE ON THE FRONT PAGE ADD R150 FOR A FEATURED IN YOUR PROVINCE ADD R75 (FEATURED LISTING ARE SHOWN BEFORE REGULAR LISTINGS) AGENCIES AND CLUBS (INCLUDE UP TO 10 INDIVIDUAL ESCOR LISTINS)= R1000 PER MONTH BANNERS R750 PER MONTH (ON THE RIGHT SIDE BANNERS ( LARGE ON TOP)=R1500 PER MONTH BANNERS (LARGE BOTTOM OF PAGE ) = R1000 PER MONTH . Please contact us for more information. TEL.0765919515 / OFFICE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 CLOCK TO 5CLOCK CALL BETWEEN THOSE HOURS OR FORWARD YOUR PROFILE PICTURES / SO WE CAN ADVRTISE YOUR AD